Leeds Parks Fund Opens for Applications
Leeds Community Foundation has announced the first round of funding from Leeds Parks Fund. Developed in partnership with Leeds City Council and Leeds Parks and Green Spaces Forum, the Fund has been possible thanks to the generous support of individual and business donors.
Good quality parks and other public green spaces are essential for making cities great places to visit, work and live in. The many benefits of parks include improving health and wellbeing, providing places for children to play and homes for wildlife, bringing communities together and beautifying the city. They also make a positive contribution to the environment by helping to keep the air clean and mitigating the growing impact of climate change.
This first round is focused on the environment. As a result, we are particularly keen to receive applications that demonstrate at least one of the following:
• Benefit to local environment
• Improved access to natural environment
• Increased use of natural environment
• Education about the environment
For more details about the Fund and how to apply please visit: https://leedscf.org.uk/leeds-parks-fund-grants
Deadline for applications: 12 noon, Tuesday 8 October 2019